This year Michele and I have 6 teenage grandkids – granddaughter Rebekah and 5 grandsons. What a privilege for us, along with their parents and the Holy Spirit, to teach and shape them for His service.

SAMUEL: in the Bible God has called his servants from their youth. Samuel was 12 or 13 years old when God called his name 3 times. Samuel did not recognize God’s voice until Eli, the high priest, told him how to listen.
I Samuel 3:3-10, v. 9 “Speak, Lord, Your servant hears.”

MARY: a young teen when the Angel makes the announcement, and she responds with “let it be according to your will.”

JEREMIAH: God said I knew you before you were formed in the womb. Jeremiah said, “I am young I can’t speak, God said I will put My Word in your mouth. “ Jeremiah 1:5 

DAVID: a teen anointed to be the next king of Israel, as the the oil ran down his head, “the Holy Spirit came upon him from that day.” I Samuel 16:11-13

I asked my 13 year old grandson, Matthew, “What is God asking you to do?” He said, “I want to be a pastor.” I said, “You don’t have to be older to serve the Lord. Do it now!” He serves in the church by mowing the very large church property and helping the elderly parishioners. This past September he, with help of another grandson, Luke, put together a See You at the Pole event at their school. This is where students pray for their school and teachers outside by the school flag pole.

Our job, as adults, is to fan the flames that God starts in our young peoples’ hearts.

I can testify that is what happened in my life at the age of 14. Whatever age we are, we need to serve the Lord with gladness.

Bill Badal

Bill Badal

Bill Badal is Pastor Emeritus at First Baptist. He was born and raised in Baghdad, Iraq, and moved to the United States as a teenager.