Scripture has told us many times of God’s love for us and of God’s gift of his Son to save us. What is your response to God?
Zacarias: doubted when he was told he and Elizabeth at their old age will have a son (John the Baptist). LUKE 1:5-13
Elizabeth: Worshiped the Lord when Mary greeted her upon entering the house. Luke 1:39-45
Mary: surrendered to the word of the angel. “Let it be according to your word.” Luke 1:28-38
Joseph: acted according to the word of God. Matthew 1:19-25
Shepherds: moved in HASTE, didn’t think twice. Luke 2:8-18
King Herod: was threatened by another king taking his place (He will interfere with my plans). Matthew 21-5.
The Wise Men: came looking with a High COST. Travel, expanse, danger, all to respond to a STAR. Matthew 2:1-13
Simeon: a man who waited for the promise God had given him that he sees the Lord’s Christ before he dies. Luke 2:32
What is your response this Christmas? Grumbling? Depression? Negativity?
Today in the city of David a Savior is born who will save His people. His Name is Emanuel (GOD WITH US)!
Restore to me the joy of my salvation, God.